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Our Core Staff Team


Our Founders


Dan and Kristen Gillespie: Co-Founders of Miqlat

Papa Dan and Mama Kristen began ministry as Young Life staff even before they were married, and have been pursuing God’s call to ministry for most of their lives. In 1998, they left their post aboard Operation Mobilization’s Logos Ship to step into a new venture: taking baby boomers from their comfortable American contexts to encounter God in places of desperate need around the world. They are people of deep trust in God, believing He hears us, responds to us, and answers our prayers in ways we cannot begin to understand. Mama and Papa to the ministry, Kristen and Dan care for the children with a fierce passion and visit Malawi often to support the ministry that God has created through them.

The Miqlat Admin Team

Sally Fox: Executive Administrator

Mama Sally has been on mission with Miqlat since before the very first vision trip to Malawi in 2003. Beginning as a regular member of the short-term teams and a sponsor of multiple children, Sally slipped into the role of full time onsite Executive Administrator in 2011, in the midst of a host of growth changes in the organization. Based at the Miqlat Mission House in the suburbs, she has her hands in everything, from financial accounting and sponsorship lists to meals with children and teacher trainings. As a former teacher with a successful career of 30 years under her belt, Sally has a passion to see our children’s minds opened and their potentials unleashed. The vision of a Miqlat school has been growing in her heart for years and she is now instrumental in giving this vision substance and life. She is beloved by the children, who really enjoy showing off their school work or any new phrases they have learned in English whenever she comes to the Hope Centers.

Lyson Kachoka:
Support Coordinator

  Beginning as a house keeper for a family associated with Miqlat nearly 10 years ago, Uncle Lyson joined our ministry team officially in 2011, as support for the administrative leaders residing and working at the Mission House. Since then, he has grown dramatically as a person and in responsibility for Miqlat activities. Inquisitive, humble and wise beyond his years, Lyson is an avid learner and has taken advantage of every opportunity, not only to attend trainings and school courses through his work with the organization, but to share his new knowledge with anyone who will listen. He has become a fully qualified Foundations for Farming instructor through multiple levels of training at Crown Financial Ministries in Blantyre and uses his agricultural knowledge to increase the productivity of our Hope Center gardens and teach improved farming techniques in the village. He believes Miqlat’s work is timely and important, especially the combination of feeding the children and providing for school needs and fees. He says that what he has learned in his years at Miqlat has changed his life and has changed his communities as well.