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If you know that your question is related to sponsorship or one specific Hope Center, please use the following link to reach our Hope Center Teams. 

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Email Your Sponsored Child


Email Your Sponsored Child

One of the things that makes child sponsorship different from most other donations is that you, the sponsor, have an opportunity to actually build a relationship with the child whose life you are changing. When you began your sponsorship, you should have received instructions for how to send physical mail to your child. But life is busy and we know that sometimes it can be hard to make time to sit down at your desk and compose a letter for snail mail.

Now, you can email you sponsor child!

Compose your letter in the form below and our staff team in Malawi will receive your email and bring the letter to your child. You may then specify how you would prefer to receive communication back--either through an email or through a physical letter.

You may include stories about your family, encouragements, basic information about yourself, scripture teachings, questions for your child, or anything that will communicate to your child the message, "I care about you, you matter." Have fun!