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Miqlat Schools



In 2016, Miqlat became a true institution of learning. Working from a vision of higher quality education, lower student to teacher ratios, and a full day of time with our sponsored children, Miqlat operates a primary school at each of our Hope Centers. During our dreaming and building years, we will add one school block with the resources to serve two new classes of students each year.

Stanley wakes up early every morning now, demands a bath, and runs to school to be first in line for breakfast. Before Miqlat School, I had to chase him down and physically drag him to school myself.
— Amayi Chagreen, Stanley's Mother

Our dedicated teaching staff is currently made up of young teacher's college graduates from Malawi who have the desire to expand their knowledge, experiment with new teaching techniques, and face the challenge of educating students in the village who have not had the privilege of a good early education. At Kogoya, we're blessed this year to also be joined by two volunteer teachers from Emmanuel Teacher's Training College's "Bridging the Gap" program, who have given us one year of their time between their graduation from school and their placement as teachers in the government school. These ladies are fully qualified teachers who have chosen to give their time away rather than simply wait for their placement. At Thuchila, we are excited to bring a Miqlat story full circle as one of our teachers is a graduate of the Miqlat program at Kogoya Hope Center. Kondwani teaches our Standard 6 class at Thuchila and is happy to be able to give back to the Miqlat family.


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